The economy of Grieskirchen is dominated by agricultural use. This usage is due to natural cycles ahead of the close monitoring of seasonal and daily changes. Due to the nature observations, laws are recognized and utilised. The resulting knowledge is passed on.
Firstly the building of the new school centre is highly visible. Secondly ideas have been required for the occasion of the forthcoming celebration of 400 years of the municipal state. As a contradiction to a concept of actively illuminating the wall this idea of using the wall passively arose. In the building behind the sundial happens education: passing on knowledge, practice of observation skills, derived actions of knowledge and observation.
The sundial is one of the oldest timekeepers. It is based on the realization of uniform planetary motion. She has thus strengthened an extremely useful tool for synchronizing personal cross connected work flows.
Johannes Kepler is one of the most important astronomers; he lived 1571 to 1630. He succeeded the mathematical description of several physical laws which therefore are named after him. Especially at the time of Grieskirchen got municipal state in 1613 he lived in Linz, and practices the profession in the country mathematician. He probably had to do with the surveying / mapping in Upper Austria and took part in the act of stating Grieskirchen to a municipal. This celebration act likely finished in the inn of the first mayor of Grieskirchen, Christoph Manglburger.