Images of KEPLERUHR - total and detail view - can bee seen live.

Task: For remote control live images of moving shadows shall be available. There are two types of images: a total view and a detail view.


Method: By the usage of the microcontroller Raspberry Pi and the Pi-Cam as a HW and Python with the Python-Image-Library PIL as SW the images are taken. The detail view is scaled up. Both images plus several status messages are transfered via FTP to the webserver. The image is checked via brightness/contrast conditions whether there is actual a shadow (sun-light) visible - day/night/cloudy or bright moon images.


Progress: First tests had been carried out 2015: the HW (not weather-proof) was testet on site, images (total and detail view) had been transferred to the server. In February 2019 the final HW has been installed and live view has been switched for public viewing via Main > Live View.


Images: Selfie³ (left image taken with the smartphone on the right, as well as the mirror image on the tablet connected via WLAN to the GKU Cam; the right image has been taken at the same by GKU Cam) - 2015

Solution: Below there are the images (click for enlargement) of the final installation - the SW at the camera is still maintained (stability, additional features):

  • Opend weather-proof case with power supply and both of the temperature sensors (in and out of the case), WLAN-stick bottom, Pi-Cam top
  • mounted camea below a protective plate and the dial including the passing shadow from the nearby church clock delivered at sunset
  • components under the roof - grey power cable at a voltage regulator 5.1 V, WLAN mobile router, clock timer.
