Watch the Rotating Earth - Earth L.A.T. 12:00 - ( )

Task: The observer my get some sense of the rotation of the earth by watching moving shadows from sundials at L.A.T. 12:00. By the usage of a website a 24/7 live videostream

shall display selected live shadows. Therefore the next proper sundial shall automatically be choosen from a database (sunny conditions, L.A.T. near 12:00, stream available).

Method: Besides KEPLERUHR many other sundials worldwide with the capability of delivering live images are collected and entered in a database. Project partners have to be contacted in many reagions worldwide. They shall support with a local infrastructure for capturing and delivering live images (could be a Raspberry/Pi Cam with internet access). All streams go to a central server (Grieskirchen, Austria) - the concerning website shows up the moving shadows. Additional info about the then local sundial will also be displayed.

